I keep saying I don't have a garden this year. Well, I don't have my normal garden and I really only planted a few things. It is, however, inaccurate for me to say I don't have a garden. Here's what I have:
A garden bed with onions and garlic that I actually planted.
In this same bed I have cherry tomatoes galore, chard and nasturtiums that came up volunteer from last year.
A new bed that we planted this spring that is small but contains four growing blueberries that will be productive next year.
Additionally in that bed, I have four pepper plants that are producing gigantic peppers. My sister-in-law gave me the plants.
Oh and I have rosemary in that bed that I planted this spring too.
We also have chard, parsley, garlic, lemon balm, oregano, mint, chives, and sage in the old garden that came up on it's own. And broccoli that we didn't completely pull up last year that produced small stems of edible broccoli that has since produced seed I plan to harvest.
Up front we have thyme, sage, more chives, and bay laurel.
What abundance we have for our non-activity!